Derek's Fishing Pages

British saltwater flyfishing

These pages stood alone as a mini-site on my ISP webspace for seven years. I have decided to let them stand unaltered as everything is still valid but elsewhere on this site you will find that I have changed my approach a little.


Saltwater flyfishing is not a common pastime in British waters but it's growing, there have always been a few people who have taken their trout tackle to the coast and tested it against the mackerel and bass. Now there are a few more of us, why not join in? There are miles of coastline that need exploring with a fly rod.

Many of you will have heard about (the lucky ones will have done it) flyfishing in tropical seas. we don't have bonefish or permit. There is nothing round our coasts that is anything like a tarpon, and the only billfish you'll meet will be a lively garfish. Don't despair. You can expect a wide variety of fish even if a ten pounder is the biggest you can hope for.

A light fly rod is an ideal way to hunt these smaller fish, most of them will pull rather harder than the trout you usually fish for, and there's one more surprise in store. Quite often flyfishing is the best and most effective way of fishing. You will often catch more than the conventional beachcasters. Once you are experienced you will find it rare to go home without having caught at least enough for a family meal.

Return to Fishing Methods page.

Derek Moody, May 15th 1999

Derek's Fishing Pages